Exhibition stand ideas for inspiration

Setting up an exhibition stand can be quite a challenge, especially if you can't find inspiration. It is important to have a distinctive stand that makes your brand or product stand out among the other stands. To make this happen, we will share with you some trade fair stand ideas that you can use while designing your stand.

Stand design

One of our trade fair stand ideas is to build your stand around a central theme. This could be, for example, a product you are promoting or based on a certain target group you want to attract. By having a theme, you can create a coherent and attractive stand design that attracts visitors and reinforces your message.

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Brand identity

Making the stand design match your brand identity also falls under our trade show ideas. This includes, for example, using colours, fonts and images that are consistent with your brand. By integrating your brand identity into the stand design, you can convey a strong and consistent message, making visitors more likely to recognise you.

Exhibition stand ideas: multimedia

Another popular trend in exhibition stand ideas is to use multimedia. This includes video and audio presentations that show your product or service in action. This can help visitors understand your product better and feel more engaged with your brand. It is also possible to use a cardboard display or counter with your logo or text on it. This way, you offer visitors an unforgettable experience.

Cardboard furniture

Furthermore, it is a particularly good idea to use original materials and furniture to make your stand stand stand out. A popular option is to use cardboard furniture, such as chairs, tables and benches. Cardboard furniture  is light, easy to assemble and can be fully personalised. Using these environmentally friendly materials can make a very positive impression on visitors.

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Light and sound

Even more good trade fair ideas are to work with light and sound. This can include using eye-catching lighting to illuminate your stand and highlight your products. Sound can also be used to attract attention and direct visitors to your stand. By playing with light and sound, you can bring your stand to life and offer an impressive experience to your visitors.

Interactive elements

Adding interactive elements to your stand is also among our trade fair ideas. This could include organising a competition or game, where visitors can win prizes by participating in activities at your stand. This can not only help attract visitors, but also keep them at the stand longer and get them more involved with your brand or product.

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The last of our trade show ideas is to collaborate with partners or other companies to create a joint stand. This can have benefits such as sharing costs and attracting a larger audience. By collaborating with other companies offering complementary products or services, you can also create new partnerships and opportunities for growth.

Exhibition stand ideas strengthen your brand

So when setting up an exhibition stand, it is important to be creative and create a stand that stands out among the other stands. By using our trade fair stand ideas such as working with themes, brand identity, sustainable materials and collaboration with others, you can form a stand that is not only attractive to visitors, but also strengthens your message and brand.

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Karton Design specializes in designing, developing, and delivering products made of and with cardboard.

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It's always great to work with Margrieta from Karton Design. Her knowledge and experience are extensive. Compared to others, her quality is much higher. She thinks along well in terms of approach, design, and efficiency, which has a positive effect on the price. Cardboard is such a beautiful and environmentally friendly product.

John van Geest

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