The Advantages and Possibilities of Cardboard

Cardboard Design works with various types of cardboard, each being a lightweight and durable material, while still being sturdy and strong. The recycled nature of cardboard reduces environmental impact, and its weight results in lower transport costs if shipping is required.

Kartonnen tafels karton design
Kartonnen beursstand karton design

Cardboard is flexible

Many cardboard designs are flexible, meaning elements can be easily assembled and disassembled. This has positive effects on setting up and dismantling trade shows and events. It is not only convenient during transportation but also space-saving in storage.

But above all: 

  • the professional appearance of promotional and artistic items made from cardboard—possibly printed in your own house style and with logos—ensures optimal exposure and branding.

  • functional cardboard objects provide the desired sturdiness for practical use.

Need urgent productions or custom designs in the short term? Karton Design also explores possibilities in such cases.

Own production

From CAD to plotter

Karton Design specializes in developing and delivering custom solutions in everything made of cardboard. Our focus is on the technical aspect, based on your creative input.

The challenge: how do we manufacture your design so that it works for the intended purpose and location?

The idea for a design results in drawings, and we create these technical drawings using special CAD software for the cardboard industry.

We then cut each design with our innovative cutting plotter.

Van CAD naar plotter karton design
Van CAD naar plotter stapel karton karton design
Karton bedrukken en stansen karton karton design

Blank or printed

Cardboard is already a beautiful product in its natural form, but it has even more appeal when printed.

Karton Design collaborates with reliable print partners to get the job done. Die-cutting is also an option. 

Through our creative cardboard studio, you always have a single point of contact, no matter how compact or gigantic your cardboard project is.

Do you want to request information?

Do you have an idea but are unsure if it is feasible and curious about the costs? Then request information from Cardboard Design.

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